
2,169 Hits - Nov 8, 2019, 3:11 AM - Pinky gupta
Hey, look, I get it. Every now and then, I need it to. The world can be a tough and unforgiving place. It can bring the strongest person to their knees and make them wish they never got up again. It’s fast-paced and doesn’t stop when someone falls behind. Instead, it simply leaves them there. It’s tough to stay motivated and tougher to become motivated. You and I both know that life can become overwhelming at the frantic pace it operates at. You may even feel like you don’t even know what it means to take be kind to yourself anymore. Don’t worry. We’ve all been there. Just last week I found myself in that exact spot. Instead of beating myself down, I created a list of things that I’ve done in the past to pick myself up. If you’re up for it, I want to share that list with you.
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2,064 Hits - Nov 8, 2019, 3:07 AM - Jessica Downey
Going green shouldn't be just population control, just recycling and no littering. We should make it a lifestyle a new...
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1,682 Hits - Nov 8, 2019, 2:58 AM - erica mapalo
A True Life's Deal
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1,792 Hits - Nov 8, 2019, 2:41 AM - Debra Williams
Letter to my ex
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1,775 Hits - Oct 1, 2019, 11:26 PM - Simone Delù
Oggi sono iniziati i lavori di asfaltatura in via Castello, ma ce ne saranno altri prossimamente
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1,836 Hits - Sep 10, 2019, 4:37 AM - Rainers
How to stop having anxiety, find yourself, find confidence and happiness to live life
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1,916 Hits - Aug 23, 2019, 6:45 PM - Osei Agyemang
It is estimated that tattoos have been around for thousands of years. They are used to identify prisoners, servants and...
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1,158 Hits - Aug 22, 2019, 4:23 PM - sojib hasan
Acute adverse effects of marijuana will embrace anxiety, dry mouth, arrhythmia (racing heart rate), high force per unit area, palpitations,...
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1,145 Hits - Aug 12, 2019, 11:57 PM - yudibe
Never compromise with the standard of the animal skin polish because it not solely safeguards the accessories from wetness, however...
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1,191 Hits - Aug 12, 2019, 11:45 PM - sojib hasan
Definition of Life style: some way of life or type of living that reflects the attitudes and values of someone...
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